The purpose of homework changes as children progress through their school life. We want our students to enjoy learning and see the value of learning beyond the classroom; we want students to develop a strong and disciplined work ethic and we want to help support students in being able to study independently. Homework can help to achieve all of these things, but it has to be carefully designed to ensure that it is both manageable and effective. It is also important that the homework tasks set do not cause students, and their families, a great deal of stress.
Learning at home is an essential part of good education. Regular homework is important, since it gives pupils the opportunity to practise at home the tasks done in class, and helps them work towards improving important skills. It also encourages children to become confident and independent in their learning, which will help throughout their time at school and, later, in adult life. Homework activities are an important part of our home/academy agreement. All children are expected to take part in a variety of homework tasks to enhance and support their work in class.
Some important points from the guidelines:
Homework refers to any learning or activities that children are asked to complete outside lesson time, either on their own, with parents or carers or part of homework club.
Homework need not, and should not, get in the way of other activities that children do after school - such as sport, music and clubs of all kinds. These activities can be very beneficial.
Maths – Times Table Rockstars
For children in Year 3 to Year 6, practising times tables is also extremely important: by the end of Year 4, children should have a rapid recall of times tables facts and also be able to say the division facts too e.g. 7×8=56 and therefore also 56÷7=8. ‘Rapid recall’ should be within around five seconds – they should not have to count through the tables facts to get there!
At Powers Hall Academy, we use Times Table Rockstars as an online learning resource for children to practise their fluency and mental recall. It is an educational learning platform which is specifically designed to support children in learning and becoming more fluent in their times tables.
Each class or group within a class will be set a schedule of times tables to work on by their teacher. We encourage pupils to play a minimum of 10 Garage games on Times Table Rockstars as part of their homework every week.
How staff support this policy:
- By providing a range of homework tasks and online activities to consolidate and extend learning in class.
- By ensuring that children have a clear understanding of the tasks involved and a common understanding of the high expectations held of them individually, according to their ability.
- By monitoring the completion and standard of and liaising with parents where appropriate to support children when academy expectations are not being met
How parents can help to support children:
- Aim to provide somewhere peaceful and suitable for children to work without the distractions of television, other family members and pets.
- Provide encouragement and support to children when they require it.
- Support our academy in explaining to children that homework is valued and aids learning.
- Encourage children and praise them when homework is completed.
- Be actively involved in their children’s homework.
- Sign and date their Pupil Planners
- Ensure their children’s homework is completed on time and to a high standard.
- Communicate any difficulties or questions through the Pupil Planner or in person.
Children are expected to:
- Tackle home tasks promptly and with a positive attitude.
- Take pride in presentation and content, acknowledging the high personal standard expected.
- Be organised so that necessary books and equipment are not left at the Academy.
- Take responsibility for handing in the completed task on the agreed day.
- When appropriate, use their homework book in a responsible manner to record homework.
Homework will be expected to be returned by the agreed deadline unless advised otherwise by the class teacher.