4 Argentina
Welcome to Year 4 Argentina
Class teacher: Mrs Standbridge
Key information
Please see below Argentina's weekly timetable for Autumn 1. This may be subject to change however, PE days will stay the same. PE days will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays. On these days, children we need to be in their correct PE kit. Everyday, the children need to bring in their water bottles, planners and reading books. Please check your pupil planner every day for key messages. This also needs to be signed at home every week.
Homework will be set on a Monday and will be due the following Monday. This will consist of TimesTables RockStars, Spelling Shed (weekly spellings), reading at home and a retrieval task based on the children's previous learning. Homework will be discussed on Mondays and children will write this in their pupil planners. Links to TTRS and spelling shed can be found at the link below and the log ins for these are in children's planners at the front.
Argentina's chosen class reading book is 'The Great Chocoplot' and this will be read at the end of each day as a class. The children have their own reading books which they can read as part of their homework. Reading at home could also include: magazines, TV subtitles, instructions etc. Please remember to sign your child's planner when they have read at home as they will then be entered into a half termly reading raffle - the prize includes a book and invisible pen!
Our Autumn 1 projects
Geography - Interconnected world
This essential skills and knowledge project teaches children about compass points and four and six-figure grid references. They learn about the tropics and the countries, climates and culture of North and South America. Children identify physical features in the United Kingdom and learn about the National Rail and canal networks. They conduct an enquiry to prove a hypothesis, gathering data from maps and surveys before drawing conclusions.
Science - Food and the digestive system
This project teaches children about the human digestive system. They explore the main parts, starting with the mouth and teeth, identifying teeth types and their functions. They link this learning to animals' diets and construct food chains to show the flow of energy.
Art - Contrast and complement
This project teaches children about colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of tertiary colours, warm and cool colours, complementary colours and analogous colours, and how artists use colour in their artwork.
History - Invasion
This project teaches children about life in Britain after the Roman withdrawal. Children will learn about Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasions up to the Norman conquest.