6 Japan
Welcome to Year 6 – Japan Class – 6J
Class Teacher: Mrs. Murthy
LSA: Mrs. Brown
Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Children are permitted to arrive at school in their PE kits comprising black shorts, white t-shirts and black trainers. Dark (preferably black) tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie may be worn when the weather is colder. No items should have any branded logos please. Even though children are arriving in their kits, please ensure that everything is named, especially tracksuit/hoodie, as these items may be removed when inside the classroom. Please remember that earrings cannot be worn for PE and should be removed at home if your child is unable to do this themselves. Thank you.
Swimming takes place on a fortnightly rota - please ensure that all swimming things are brought to school in a separate bag. Thank you
Our focus for the spring term is History, with a project entitled ‘Britain at War’. This project teaches children about the causes, events and consequences of the First and Second World Wars, the influence of new inventions on warfare, how life in Great Britain was affected and the legacy of the wars in the post-war period.
Our science is based on light theory. This project teaches children about the way that light behaves travelling in straight lines from a source or reflector, into the eye. They explore how we see light and colours, and phenomena associated with light, including shadows, reflections and refraction.
Our art focus teaches children about distortion and abstraction art. This project teaches children about the concepts of abstraction and distortion. They study the visual characteristics of abstraction and create a musically-inspired, abstract painting.
We will also have a DT focus entitled " Make Do and Mend" - This project teaches children a range of simple sewing stitches, including ways of recycling and repurposing old clothes and materials.
Our Focus Reading text:
Non-fiction: The Wondrous Women of WWII
Fiction: Goodnight Mr. Tom
A great big HELLO and WELCOME BACK to your new academic year 22- 23! A final year of your primary school journey J
I hope you all had a good rest and lots of fun over the summer and are rested and ready for some hard work, but fun too, in Year 6.
Thank you for an amazing transition day! I have thoroughly enjoyed every second of it! You have all demonstrated exemplary learning behaviour and have shown great enthusiasm in looking forward to our year 6. I am sure that your personalities never fail to make Japan classroom shine again.
This is our class page and will be updated regularly to keep you posted about the curriculum, key information such as PE, everyday essentials, key skills days, termly timetable, support that you may require for learning needs and of course your outstanding learning achievements. So, keep looking at this page to keep yourself posted on the current updates.
Mrs. Murthy.
YEAR 6 Curriculum Overview
Timetable for Autumn 1
Everyday Essentials:
- Filled water bottle
- Pupil planner
- Reading books
When Do I have PE?
Japan Class has PE days on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Children must arrive at school in their PE kits during their assigned PE days. PE kits consist of plain black shorts and plain white t-shirts, with no logos/ no markings/ no stitching. Plain tracksuits in a dark colour with no logos can be worn outside during the colder months. Parents must ensure that all items in the kit must be labelled clearly, especially tracksuits and hoodies as these items may be removed when children are in the classroom. As a reminder, can children also not come to school wearing earrings on PE days? Earrings cannot be removed at school as per the risk assessment in order to keep everyone safe.
Autumn theme – History - MAAFA
Our theme for the autumn term is a history topic entitled "Maafa" which is about the African slave trade. This project teaches children about Africa past and present and the development of the slave trade. It also explores Britain’s role in the transatlantic slave trade, the causes and consequences of the European colonisation of Africa and the worldwide communities that make up the African diaspora.
The genre of narrative and non-fiction text types we will be studying this term have been chosen to suit our history project MAAFA.
We integrate English across the curriculum. In each geography and history project, pupils are given four text types which are tailored to age-appropriate literacy objectives and build upon prior learning. The writing outcomes invite children to apply the knowledge they have gained in a history or geography project to a specific text type. In science and some other subjects, a range of technical and informative non-fiction texts are provided to promote ambitious reading across the curriculum.
Please see below an overview of the text types this term:
Our linked book study will be Freedom by Catherine Johnson.
Our Memorable Science Experience
How you can help at home:
- Encourage your child to read to you at least 3 times a week. At other times do talk to your child about what they read, to check recall and understanding. Please do record in the reading diary any reading activities you share with your child.
- Read other books, as well as their reading book, such as non-fiction, newspapers, and guide books from family visits…anything that promotes conversation about what you are reading.
- Times tables: Tables are tested regularly so please ensure that your child works on TTRS regularly.