6 India
Welcome to Year 6 - India Class (6I)

Please remember your equipment each day: filled water bottle, pupil planner and reading book. Each day starts with conversation over breakfast and activities to support and promote well being.
History WW2 memory links Use one of the these links to study.
History WW2 memory links Use one of the these links to study.
History WW2 memory links Use one of the these links to study.
History WW2 memory links Use one of the these links to study.
History WW2 memory links Use one of the these links to study.
Today we recapped and learned new knowledge about WWI from Dick Forsythe who had been a member of the RAF. We then all flew in the WWI simulator, created drawings and transferred our war poetry onto seeded biodegradable paper. These poems will be taken to France next year and dropped as part of the remembrance service where new flowers and poppies will grow. Well done to everyone for asking some really thoughtful questions.




Hall of Fame - learn the verses; practise India class chorus At the end, just keep repeating "be a champion" - do not try to sing the verse again.
Hall of fame backing track

Today was one of two DT focus days - Make Do & Mend. A slogan often heard during WWII. Children learned how this slogan supported Britain during the war. They then unpicked clothing, learned how to do running and whip stitch and finally darned a sock. Well done for supporting each other during our Make Do & Mend Club.
Meet & Eat plane display

Today was our music flow day. We listened to different songs and compared how they made us feel, the tempo, melody and arrangement. Then having voted for our favourite, we re-wrote the song thinking about our time in primary school. We decided to go for Hall of Fame, and arranged it so we had spoken word verses, and a sung chorus.
Our timetable for summer 2 continues with the core subjects in addition to flow days to teach music, French, cooking and DT. .
myON Online library
Times Tables Rockstars keep practising those times tables, play games and challenge each other
Spelling Shed where you can practise your weekly spellings and play games
statutory spellings
Our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday. Children are permitted to arrive at school in their PE kits comprising black shorts, white t-shirts and black trainers. No items should have any branded logos please. Please remember that earrings cannot be worn for PE and should be removed at home if your child is unable to do this themselves. All long hair should be tied back for PE. Thank you.
Swimming takes place on a fortnightly rota - excluding SATS week - please ensure that all swimming things are brought to school in a separate bag. Thank you
Our summer topic is history based and teaches children about the causes, events and consequences of the First and Second World Wars, the influence of new inventions on warfare, how life in Great Britain was affected and the legacy of the wars in the post-war period.
Our science recaps prior learning about light, with an emphasis on the way that light behaves, travelling in straight lines from a source or reflector, into the eye. They explore how we see light and colours, and phenomena associated with light, including shadows, reflections and refraction.
Our art focus teaches children about the concepts of abstraction and distortion. They study the visual characteristics of abstraction and create a musically-inspired piece of sculpture.
We will reading a non fiction text entitled Wondrous Women of WWII and a fiction text Goodnight Mr Tom by Michelle Magorian.
There will be different science, art and DT projects after the half term break.
Knowledge Organisers for Britain at War; Goodnight Mr Tom; Science and Art
Today saw the culmination of a two week maths project PHA Deli. The children have investigated how to calculate the best value of items, how to use ratio and proportion to increase quantities. We then thought about the costs, and investigated income and expenditure - did we make a profit or loss?! Finally, we have thought about packaging and the type of net to make the best cup cake box. Then we got to eat cup cakes!
Today was the Gentleman's Picnic. Three children from India class decided to help tidy away the rubbish and earn a vast number of team points at the same time!! Well Done, and Thank You
What a wonderful day was had at Duxford Imperial War Museum. Although we arrived a little later than planned, we still managed to visit three different hangars to explore the Battle of Britain and Land Warfare. In addition, we saw several planes taking off and landing. Thank you to Neil who was on hand to answer questions and give us additional background information about the exhibits. Thank you too, to our parent helpers without whom we would not have been able to have had this experience.
Today we considered inventions that have had a significant impact on our society - in a variety of ways. Our focus today was on bridges, their uses, who designed and constructed them, and the materials that they may have used. We thought about the bridges we knew and then conducted three investigations to see how many 2p (and then 1p coins as we ran out of 2p!) coins each type of bridge would hold. In this way, we discovered that the triangular shape of a concertina helped to support more coins. We then designed a prototype and began the process of constructing it - with limited materials. Unfortunately, we ran out of time before we could test them, but we will return to them in the summer term.
Today we explored environmental art. We learned about the difference between this and Land Art, and found out some names of environmental artists. We considered how the concept of their work was more important to them in getting their message across, than the finished art piece. We then took a range of recycled products and created our own installations, using different techniques to affix materials together.
Having designed a sensor operated product, today we created the coding program and electrical circuit which would power them. We had a range of products designed: from personal GPSs, virtual helpers and notifiers, a moving table on wheels and a "smart dog". Who knows if we will see these in the future.
Today was science flow day where we started learning about the scientist Carl Linnaeus who invented the classfication model - we then had go at classifying biscuits! After that we learned about the different branches of science before moving onto three different experiments. We had to read the instructions and follow them to create a catapult, lift whiteboard pen from a plate and push a pencil through a bag of water. After lunch, we carried out our own investigation and then rounded off the day by researching and presenting information about a scientist of our choice. It was a great day and the children enjoyed it immensely. .
Yesterday we had a surprise visit from Ernest Shackleton who told us about his life and penultimate expedition on Endurance.
On Friday we completed our Trailblazers art topic. We investigated African patterns and used these as our background, with a picture of our chosen black British icon in the middle. This artwork was inspired by a painting created by Chris Ofili entitled "No Woman, No Cry". His painting depicted Doreen Lawrence.
Author Visit - last week we were delighted to meet the author C S Clifford. He spoke to us about how he writes his books, and then we had a go at writing a sci fi genre opening. It was great fun.
Today was our PSHE flow day. We discussed British Values and how these are intertwined with anti bullying week (we did this while dressed in spots for Children in Need). We also considered where protests fit into a democratic society. We finished with a debate to answer the question: "is a democratic system the best way to govern this country?"
Today was our Slave Trade flow day. We cooked a dish from the Caribbean, used coding to create a game based on the triangular route, learned about key abolitionists and people whose ancestors were part of this time. Finally we created a kahoot quiz to show our understanding of Britain's involvement in the slave trade.
What we found when dissecting a pig's heart




If you would like to make contact with the class directly please feel free to use this email address: india@connectedlearningmat.co.uk Please note however, that this will not be monitored as often as the main office admin address.