3 Zimbabwe
Welcome to Zimbabwe class.
Class teacher: Miss Humphries
Year 3 Support: Mrs. Stoneham, Mrs. Struthers
Every student in 3Z is expected to try their best each and every day. We support and uplift each other while still acknowledging our individual differences. We work as a team and support each other's learning by contributing during discussions with our thoughts and listening to one another with respect. In class and with other members of the school community, we are courteous and kind to one another.
Every day will consist of a variety of new, interesting lessons that inspire children to advance their learning and develop into more independent learners.
Things to remember (daily)
Filled water bottle
Pupil Planner
Reading book
When Do 3Z have P.E.?
Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Children must arrive at school in their PE kits compromising plain black shorts, white t-shirts and black plimsols/trainers. Dark, plain tracksuit bottoms and hoodie may also be worn when the weather is colder - no branded logos please.
Even though children will be arriving in their kits, please ensure that EVERYTHING is still named. Please remember that earrings cannot be worn for PE and should be removed at home if your child is unable to do this themselves. Long hair should also be tied up. Thank you.
Each week, your child will bring home some homework. This could consist of some spellings, reading, writing and Maths. Each week it will change and we will communicate this to you in their blue homework book. Spelling tests are on Monday. Please look inside your child's planner for the spellings they need to learn each week. The children have been put into different groups therefore they may not have the same set of spellings as a friend.
It is expected that children are reading, practising their spellings and using Times table rockstars daily to complete a minimum of 3minutes.
Useful Links
The following links direct you to the learning platforms that are used for homework. Please see your child's Pupil Planner for their login details. If you are having trouble with any of the login details please let us know so we can try to resolve this.